Rhinoplasty (nose plastic surgery)
The nose is the most prominent facial feature, its size and shape may be the most defining feature of the face. And, as the self-confidence is an essential condition for our health and success in life, the choice to have a beautiful nose is only one step away!Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic surgery which affects the nasal pyramid and it is one of the most wanted operations. Rhinoplasty is a surgical technique which rebuilds and reshapes the natural form of the nose by repairing the sequels of some trauma or corrects some hereditary deformity.
What patients can benefit from rhinoplasty?
The operation is carried out with a sheer aesthetic purpose, for reconstructive purposes or for sorting out some breathing problems.Rhinoplasty can improve your look and can boost your self-confidence. Usually the persons over the teenage are operated on so that the alterations can fit into the adult person’s physiognomy in a perfect and realistic way.
Surgery hazards
There is no operation without hazards. When the surgery is carried out by an experienced surgeon the complications occur seldom and are usually of little importance. There are great differences among the patients as regards their healing rate so that the result can never be completely foreseen.After the surgery tiny red spots may crop up on the tegument as a result of the burst of small blood vessels. What regards the scar, we can say that they cannot be noticed if the closed method is used and if the open method is used, they become only slightly visible.
Before surgery indications
- do not eat and drink anything after midnight before the surgery;
- it is forbidden to take aspirin and other drugs that contain aspirin for 2 weeks before the surgery;
- with women the surgery must be done as a rule outside the menstruation period;
- you must tell the doctor or the anesthesiologist if you have medical problems (hypertension, vascular problems, heart failure, diabetes, lung problems, bleeding problems, epilepsy, neurological problems, allergies to certain drugs);
- you must tell the doctor if you wear dental prosthesis or contact lenses;
- if you smoke, plan to stop smoking for 1-2 weeks before the surgery and do not start smoking until at least 2 weeks have passed from the surgery;
- avoid extra exposure to sun before the surgery, in special the facial region;
- do not keep a strict diet before the surgery because it can delay the healing;
- if you catch a cold or you have an infection of any kind, the surgery must be postponed.
Rhinoplasty is carried out under complete anesthesia or under local anesthesia combined with light intravenous anesthesia. The operation lasts for approximately an hour; the more complex procedures may last longer. During the operation the nose skin is peeled off the bone and the cartilage, which are then reshaped to the desired form. We prefer the closed method, with incisions performed inside of the nose while the open procedure we reserve for the more complicated cases. After the surgery, on the nasal pyramid the surgeon mounts splints, which is maintained locked into position for 7 days. The nostrils are covered with tents for 24 hours.Post-surgery hospitalization
Post-surgery recovery
During the first days after the operation the patients may feel their face swollen, with oedema and ecchymoses, especially on the lower eyelids. In this case, cold compresses should be applied which will obviously relieve these symptoms. Usually the oedema and ecchymoses tend to persist in the first week.Also you should not be alarmed if there is some bleeding in the days after the surgery. By the end of the first week the splints and the stitches will be removed.
During two weeks after the surgery, the straining activities should be avoided. They might boost arterial blood pressure which might bring on some bleeding. With patients that wear glasses, for a period of 6 to 7 weeks, it is not recommended that they should wear the glasses resting on the nasal pyramid.
After the removal of the splints, up to a period of 3 months approximately, a slight oedema may linger on. This will shrink over time.
Rhinoplasty achieves an aesthetic balance of the face, the result thereof being the boost of your self-confidence.Find out how you can benefit from this intervention. Make an appointment for an examination at Prof. Dr. Bratu.