Breast reconstruction

Pacienta 41 de ani masectomie totala. Reconstructie san stang cu proteze Mentor anatomic 330CC si mastectomie subcutanata profilactica cu reconstructie cu implant proteza Mentor anatomic 290CC
Taguri: mastectomie, 330CC, 290CC, reconstructie
Pacienta 61 ani cu mastectomie completa san dreapta si mamopexie san stanga pentru simetria sanilor. Reconstructie san drept prin implant proteza Mentor rotund 375CC subpectoral.
Taguri: mastectomie, 375CC
Bilateral breast reconstruction with McGhan 345g implant on a 34 years old patient
Right breast reconstruction with rotated flap on a 48 years old patient
Left breast reconstruction with 320g implant and right breast mastectomy on a 38 years old patient
Left breast reconstruction with McGhan 400g implant and right breast mastectomy on a 46 years old patient